
Bangor Pier

Bangor Pier or Garth Pier as its known in Welsh is one of the premier tourist spots for visitors to Bangor. This grade 2 listed structure comes in at 460 metres and is the second longest pier in Wales. 9th in the UK.

Amazingly the pier was built to accommodate pleasure steamers that would bring tourists to the area. Bangor Pier officially opened in May 1896 and had a small railways built into its construction. This was used carry the luggage of the passengers using the steamers. These boats came from various locations including Liverpool, Blackpool and Douglas on the Isle of Man.

In more modern times it is a great place for a leisurely stroll and is well visited during summer. We think its great any time of the year, check out the photos from winter when the entire length of the pier was lit up. It was a spectacular sight and great to walk the length of the pier in the fog even if it was a little chilly!

As you make your way down the pier there are several kiosks selling various trinkets. Moreover they also sell crabbing nets and bait to entertain all ages during your visit. You can also get an nice cold or hot drink as well as food and ice cream. The is a full on cafe at the end which sells various foods including some great cakes. It is a good job too as its a bit of a walk! Well worth it though.

There are also a lot of picnic bench style table for you sit on and take in the views. Speaking of views this for us is the whole point as they are stunning. Whether its looking back towards Bangor, North or South, the pier puts you right out in the centre of the Menai.

If you like a bit of fishing you are also able to do this directly from Bangor Pier. The Menai strait has some of the most varied species in the British Isles, you never know! There is also a seal colony at Puffin Island and Porpoise frequent the area so there is a chance to see these stunning creatures.

Another for the bucket list.

Bangor Pier can be found here – Garth Rd, Bangor, LL57 2SW. There is a car park at the base of the pier which fills up quickly in summer.

Bangor Pier facts:

  • Grade 2 listed structure
  • 460 metres long or 1500 feet
  • Originally opened on the 14th May, 1986
  • Second longest pier in Wales and 9th in Britain
  • Known as both Bangor and Garth Pier
  • Cost £17,000 to build
  • Bought by Bangor Council in 1978 for just 1p

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